So I graduated...did my first crush, no more buckets...
Added yeast this evening.
Thanx to all of you for the advice and help over the past year of practicing g with the buckets
One thing on both reds, the must was so thick, getting a sample of juice with the wine thief wasnt ez, wasnt expecting that...normal tho?
Normal. Press a colander into it and take your sample from the juice. The skins will otherwise clog up your wine thief.
View attachment 56382 So I graduated...did my first crush, no more buckets...
Added yeast this evening.
Thanx to all of you for the advice and help over the past year of practicing g with the buckets
View attachment 56382 So I graduated...did my first crush, no more buckets...
Added yeast this evening.
Thanx to all of you for the advice and help over the past year of practicing g with the buckets
My 2019 crush went great on Saturday. Field blend of 57% Cab, 28% Merlot and 15% Cab Franc, 7 lugs total. Split evenly and decided to use D254 in 1 fermenter and D80 in the other with the intent in blending both together post mlf . Co-inoculated vp-41 mlb this morning, 24 hours after I pitched the yeast. All going smoothly thus far. Original numbers were sg 1.102, ph 3.66 so I didn’t adjust anything. Will see where numbers shake out after fermentation. This is year 2 for crusher/destemmer and went even smoother than last year. More to follow as things progress.
This morning I picked up some Nebbiola to blend with the Norton and Sangiovese for the Alicante. The Nebbiola was 27.5 bix. I haven't yet measured the pH but is 27.5 too high? I never had fruit with this high a brix.
I had Zin at 26 brix this year and I added a little acidified water to the must.
Why? 26 is about perfect. It was ripe and ready to go.
My SG was 1.12, which I felt was going to make too much alcohol.
Both fermenters are humming right along although the batch with d80 took a bit longer to really get going. SG at 1.070 on the d80 and 1.060 on d254. Both smell great. Added Fermaid K this evening and may dose with Fermaid O tomorrow morning before work. So far so good!