No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Just picked up the Syrah this morning!
Haven’t crushed yet but snagged a few grapes from each box and threw them in a food processor. The filtered juice revealed the following (freshly calibrated pH meter):
SG=21.75 brix
Will recheck everything post crush to confirm but if I get the same results I think I’m going to bump up to 24-25 brix because I like big reds.
I’m also tempted to add a bit of tartaric acid to drop pH to 3.5 and since TA is low should be ok.
Any opinions?
I would want to bump the brix as well, but as you mentioned, recheck everything post crush and a 24 hr soak. TA adjustment is probably warranted as well, though I'd err on the conservative side so as not to go too low.
Edit: by "too low" I meant driving the pH too low.
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