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Senior Member
Jun 11, 2006
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I had the pulp left over from the raspberry wine and also the pathetic clump of whatever that is left over from the apricot wine.

I combined both into a straining bag and after adding the sugar and other trimmings, tested and adjusted acidity, took a nap and then dunked the bag into the sugar water.

Boy did it take a lot of acid blend to bring the acidity up to .62 i believe was the final figure after testing, adding and testing again. Later i realized i was basically adjusting the acid of sugar and tap water with tannin in it.

I didnt add yeast because teoretically the yeast left in the pulp should multiply and get the fermentation going.
I added a cinnamon stick but NO BENTONITE THIS TIME.

another item
I tried to rack the bentonite experiment from a secondary and when i put the cane into the bottom, a cloud of whatwver rose.

I recall my sangeovese kit had to sit for weeks before i was able to rack it off the bentonite lees.

This bentonite experiment is from frozen juice concentrate so the mess must be all bentonite attached to whatever..

Thats it for today.


Edited by: scotty
Its not going well.. SG barely moved in a week. Added nutrient. Still bareley fermenting. I took the pulp out this morning. I cant blame the cool temp, the apricot in the secondary is fermenting happily.
Checked acid it in range. I suspected the fruit because I dont know what else to suspect.
Ther is a posibility that i adde twice the tannen as the recipe caled for. I wrote it down but i seem to recall putting in 2 teaspoons for the 4 gallons instead of one.

I cant chuck it till ive tried something else
I did a starter bottle yesterday. The bottle was fermenting well but soon as i pitched it almost stopped fermenting.

I got a heat pad under it--keeping 75F

No change.

Then i diluted the liquid by ablut 20% still nothing.

Unless anyone has any ideas, Ill dump it tomorrow after another SG test.

I must have contaminated it in some way????????Edited by: scotty