Clear tubing maintenance protocol

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Senior Member
Apr 21, 2021
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I'm curious what folks are doing to clean/maintain their clear tubing used in your wine making operation.

My current protocol: Prior to use I rinse with a Star San solution -- then after use, rinse with hot water -- "fling" it a couple times to remove excess water then just store horizontally.

I do notice that the clear tubing has gotten cloudy over the months.

I try not to let the tubing sit around uncleared for more than an hour, especially for reds. I have a jet blaster attached to my sink faucet. It’s meant for cleaning bottles but it works on tubing as well. Then hang it on 2 hooks so it drains.

When I have several carboys to clean, I get out the sump pump cleaner (you can search here for a pic). I’ll coil the tubing and submerge it in the cleanser. My tubing is also cloudy. After about 5 years of use I splurge for new tubing.