A few questions about sanitising equipment.

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Jan 6, 2016
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I'm using my hydrometer and thermometer every day and am wondering about the easiest way to sterilise them (the steriliser I'm using is Youngs Sterilising Powder, but the container doesn't say what the chemical actually is).

It seems very time-consuming (not to mention expensive/wasteful) to make up a fresh batch of solution each time I need to use the thermometer, which can be a few times every day. Will the made-up sterilising solution last for some time, so that I could store equipment in it? (or dunk the equipment in it before each use?) Don't suppose I could just run the thermometer etc. under some boiled water straight from the kettle instead of sterilising, could I?!

Also, what about rinsing off the sterilising solution (especially after running it through a siphon hose) - tap water isn't sterilised so couldn't I theoretically be putting my equipment straight back into contact with germs?
We are not concerned about "sterile". Think hospital OR's. We ARE concerned about "sanitary" where most micro-organisms are under control.
For sanitation use 3 tablespoons of potassium metabisulfite or sodium metabisulfite dissolved in a gallon of CLEAN water. I like a glass gallon growler for storage and this mixture will be good for at least a month. Pour a quantity of this solution into the bottom of a container large enough to store what you want --a bucket works well and large enough to store most of your equipment. I use a 5 gallon version and cover it with a plastic bag large enough to slip over the bucket.
The gas from the solution does the sanitation. Remove your hydrometer or whatever piece of equipment you are going to use, rinse off with clean water, clean it after use, and store it back in the bucket. It will be ready to use the next time.
Now, I admit that I did not stay at the Holiday Inn Express last night, but here is my understanding of the water supply. If you are on a metropolitan water supply, the water will be SANITARY. If you are on your own well supply, the water SHOULD be SANITARY. Bacteria should not be in good ground water although the plumbing system COULD be unsanitary to some degree. If you are concerned about the condition of your water contact your local health department for testing instructions.
I make up my solution as olbuscap outlines. I rinse my equipment in plain water after each use and I rinse in the solution BEFORE each use.

I store solution in laboratory wash bottles like the ones below. The solution keeps for several weeks...

I keep potassium metabisulfite solution in a gallon bottle with a solid stopper. It lasts for months. I also have a spray bottle filled with it. Whenever I'm going to use my hydrometer, stir spoon, etc, I place them in a large vase or measuring cup and spray them and the inside of the vase down well with the solution. (They are rinsed well and dried after each use) After a minute or two, they are ready for use.
I have a cooler, and keep an open bowl of Na-meta solution in it. Around it, I store non-metal equipment. It is the SO2 gas that sanitizes the equipment. So, if when you open the cooler, if you get a whiff of SO2, then it is working. As the odor weakens, add some more Na-Meta.
I was told by my LHBS that if I used distilled water in a sealed container Kmeta is good for a month. Does it need to be distilled or is that just best practice?
I was told by my LHBS that if I used distilled water in a sealed container Kmeta is good for a month. Does it need to be distilled or is that just best practice?

Interesting question. I would have thought that chorine in tap water would also assist in the sanitation so that distilled water would be an unnecessary expense..
I got tired of making one gallon batches. Went for a 5 gallon water cooler plastic carboy with a hand pump. Works fantastic.
A trick I learned on YouTube is to go to Lowes or HD and buy one of those long plastic trays like you use to wet a strip of wall paper before you put it on the wall. Then cut a piece of the self clinging plastic food wrap long enough to cover the topic the tray. Pour about an inch or so of sanitizing solution in the tray and cover it with the plastic wrap. You can then lift the plastic a little on one edge and lay your hydrometer, etc. in the tray and reseal the plastic. Since you are just lifting the plastic part way for a brief period of time very little odor is release. When I use a piece of equipment I rinse it off with water to clean it and the put it back in the tray where it stays until I need it again. If you keep the plastic wrap sealed the solution will last a long time. The solution that I have in the tray right now has been there for about 6 weeks and still smells plenty strong.

Since I use a Na-meta solution which is a close cousin to k-meta I don't usually rinse with water before using a piece of equipment. I just shake off any excess back into the tray when I take it out. I read a comment by Tim Vandergrift A.K.A. Mr. Wine Kit Guru, that the minute amount of metabisulfite that you are adding diluted in 6 gal. of wine is negligible. Some amount of sulfite is created by the wine itself. Then the wine maker adds more usually at multiple points along the way. The teensy bit of metabisulfite on the hydrometer or thermometer is negligible compare to these other sources. Tim went on to say that city water is far less sanitary that your sanitizing solution so why take any unnecessary risk by rinsing your sanitized piece of equipment with a less sanitary solution? Granted the risk is probably pretty tiny but why risk it.
To clarify ,, most sanitizers we use are of the "NO RINSE" variety ,, widely used in the food industry for that purpose.. As was stated before, we're not talking "O.R." environ!! Just be consistant.
Tink. I use a wallpaper tray full of sanitizer when I'm in the middle of something. It's long and perfect to hold tubes, hydrometer, thief and other stuff. I bought 2 and attached the second one as a lid.
I use Starsan and mix it in gallon jugs of distilled water. It lasts several months and gives you a container to keep it in. I soak my equipment in plastic dish pans then pour the sanitizer back into the jug when finished.
I've been using a Lowes 5 gallon bucket with lid to put all my equipment in. There is a smaller 1 gallon bucket in there that I got at the dollar tree that I pour a bit of the solution in. Put all my stuff around the small 1 gallon bucket, put the 5 gallon lid on tight and the fumes take care of everything else. This is of course after I've properly cleaned everything. BOY, does it wake you up when you take the lid off too!

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