Where do you buy half gallon mason jars?
Ok, I guess I need to get out more often! I haven't been to Walmart for a while. Did not know they sold half gallon jars. Thanks, that will be useful when I start my next batch of fermented pepper sauce.
That would be good Doug except i'm up to 18 1/2 gallon mason jars so far and might be looking for more.
I guess I didn't wash my hands good enough either because 'ol willy was complaining also. AGGGGG
I literally laughed so hard I had tears running!
LMAO, I was waiting for that. I was reading another article that said the seeds didn't contribute to the heat ( I thought they did). All I know is my face is burning and I'm coughing and sneezing lake crazy. My wife came into the kitchen and and just said OMG and walked back out gagging. I couldn't talk her into cleaning out the sink. I guess I didn't wash my hands good enough either because 'ol willy was complaining also. AGGGGG
Ray when making your Liqueurs are you just soaking them in vodka? How long do you keep the fruit in the jars before draining off the vodka?
Thats great thats what I was asking. Last time I did it, I added fruit till jar was full and filled it to the top with vodka. That was in January and I put it away. I forgot all about it until Sept and strained it off the fruit and added simple syrup to taste. It was very good and thats why I'm making more.
I knew someone else that made it and they add sugar up front also and some don't, Also the batch I started a few weeks ago are already pure white like the elderberries but I was going to leave it go until at least Christmas. Thoughts?
.........My hazelnut extract is using over proof rum.......