I think when many winemakers start out they can be an obsessive bunch about pH, SO2, TA, sanitizing. They are all important for sure but I agree with you. The wine will be just as protected if it should have 40ppm SO2 and it only has 35ppm. It will still taste just as good if the TA is .55 instead of .65 or if the pH should be 3.6 and its only 3.45.
Wine is a very forgiving gift from Bacchus.
Its important to know your numbers and move them in line towards a proper level but there is no need IMHO to test, and retest unless your retired and have nothing else to do around the house.
More than anything wine needs time. Time to age properly before you drink it. Time to open up after you remove the cork. Time to sip it and enjoy it as it changes from the first glass out of the bottle to the last glass where you wish you had just one more glass in that bottle.