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Welcome tropicalgal,

Are you going to give winemaking a go? You will enjoy the forum!!!

I am going to geive it a try - with as much as I have bugged Stinkie with questions about making wine - I figure I should at least try it. I see you live in Houston. I'm not too far from ya - about an hour south...

So far the forum seems great. It looks like there are a lot of expeirnced people on the site. I'm sure I will annoy all of you with my questions.
(Hopefully, not too badly.)
This is why we're here! You ask questions, we answer, and then we feel that we serve a purpose in life.
Hi Tropicalgal, glad to see your here, Caution this could be

We can't wait to help you get your first kit started!!
Allow me to contribute my 2 cents. You have opted into the best home wine making forum around. Read, learn but most of all enjoy.

Welcome aboard!!

Oh yes we do love pictures of your wine efforts.
Well, it should be long before I start my first batch. I bought a Island Mist kit. Since it doesn't need to age, I figured I would make something to "sample" while I am working on the next (whatever that ends up being.)Thanks for the greetings and I'm sure once I get all my stuff ready, I'll be bombarding you with questions!!
I just bottled my Welches Niagara yesterday and had two bottles of it last night. I have to say it is as good as any white wine I have ever had. It is very fruity and well balanced with sweetness and acid. Going to start a Welches White/Rasberry, maybe today. I also started a Green Tea Ginger wine that promises to be interesting.

Tropicalgal, there are alot of experienced guys and girls here who have knowledge in all kinds of wine making from Jalapeno to Lilac to the kit wines. Be sure to post pictures along the way!!

I was just thinking that I need to send my camera in - I am not sure what it's problem is - other than it has one... That way it will be ready for all the action.

I'm not sure what kind to try after I finish the Island Mist. My mom (who all of a sudden think this is a wonderful idea) like sweeter wines and I like dry wines. I'll probably try to humor her first. Then worry about what I would like to try. Is the Welches Niagara recipe posted on this site?

Welcome to the forum. Here is a Jack Keller recipe for Welches wine (either red or white)
<LI>1 gallon Welch's grape juice (red or white)
<LI>sugar to raise s.g. to 1.095
<LI>2 tsp acid blend
<LI>1 tsp pectic enzyme
<LI>1 tsp yeast nutrient
<LI>1 pkt Montrachet wine yeast </LI>[/list]

In a quart jar, activate yeast in ¼ cup of grape juice and ¼ cup of warm water with ¼ teaspoon of sugar and 2 pinches of yeast nutrient dissolved in it. Cover and set aside to develop a vigorous fermentation. Pour grape juice in primary and float a hydrometer in it to determine sugar content. Add sufficient sugar to raise specific gravity to 1.095 (see hydrometer table at and stir well to dissolve sugar and assist sulfites (sulfur dioxide) in dissipating. Add remaining ingredients except yeast. Cover primary and set aside 12 hours. Every 2 hours add ¼ cup of grape juice to the jar of yeast starter. After 12 hours, add activated wine yeast and recover primary. When active fermentation slows down (about 5-7 days), transfer to secondary and fit airlock. When clear, rack, top up and refit airlock. After additional 30 days, stabilize, sweeten if desired and set aside 10-14 days to ensure refermentation does not ensue. Carefully rack into bottles and age at least 3 months.

I just got back from my annual fishing trip to Cape Cod (Falmouth) with
my brothers, we didn't catch any fish today, but I had a good time with
my family.

The tide was late (actually we were early) so we went to Martha's
Vineard to get breakfast, I was looking for my pay Jimmy Buffet, but he


Better luck tomorrow. I just got back from my sister's farm in central KY and caught a bunch of largemouth bass out of her farm pond. Here is the biggest one of the day:






Those farm ponds are the best fishing. That is Curtis with a hybrid bluegill and the catfish is one that I caught that didn't get away. We had some really big ones on that snapped our lines. This is in Oklahoma where we went after the Winestock weekend. Had tornados in the area too as you can see fron the dark bass!!!! Ramona

The sky looks wicked! The bluegill is huge. They are my favorite eating fish!

So which one is the Bluegill?
I am pescarily challenged, unless is is a large piece of cod, batter and served
with chips

If you ever get the chance to visit TEXAS, don't pass it up, Kurt and Ramona have been exellent hosts!! I hate to go home tomorrow!! We had a little wine tasting, I brought 16 bottles of wine with me on the plane, and a carry on bag with a pair of shorts and a few tee (how many clothes do you really need?)

Back to wine making, I have two batches ready to bottle, just have to find the time.

Calypso Bianco, and Zinfandel Blush.


Bottled a Green Apple Riesling recentlythat has been bulk aging in the carboy for about 3 months now.
