Acid reading on my Peach wine

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Senior Member
Mar 5, 2012
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The Ta reading is .54 - .56 and the sulphuric is 3.4 - 3.5, right at what I understand is the low end for fruit wine. I am going to add some white grape/peach concentrate to the 6 gallons hopefully to bring it up to about 1.010 sg.

Should I add acid blend or not at this time.
Depends - some fruits wines I have made I have had a TA reading at .58 - others at that level taste a bit flat - so I will bump it up to about 6.0 - 6.2 g/l.

Taste it and see if it tastes right or just flat. Do bench trials as well - see if it tastes better or worse by adding the acid in..
A TA of 5.4 for a white wine is indeed a bit low. I would bump it up to 6. But indeed taste it first an adjust to that.


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