Thanks Tony and Geronimo !
One more qestion, kit says to stir must at least one time a day. I spray kmeta to the spoon and am wonder if I should rinse.
If not, I worry the kmeta will kill the yeast
If so, I worry my rinse water may not be as clean
Sorry, so many questions
Questions show your concerns... nothing wrong with that.
That small amount of Kmeta on the spoon won't hurt the yeast.
We all have differing opinions about rinsing. I always like to rinse with water. I take the attitude that my water is sanitary. I have great, clean, clear, Colorado water with low chlorination. You may or may not have such water, or you may have home well water that you don't trust.
If you have doubts about your water, spray the spoon, let it set a few minutes, then sling it hard to remove most of the Kmeta solution. As I mentioned, there is not that much solution on the spoon, anyway.
You do realize that Kmeta is primarily a fumes sanitizer, not a contact sanitizer. When you spray something like a spoon or hydrometer with Kmeta, it is not as effective as spraying it with a contact sanitizer like StarSan.
Kmeta will be OK for what you are doing, but a contact sanitizer is much better for spraying those type items.
My rule is if I can spray it and seal it up or put Kmeta inside it then seal it up, I use Kmeta solution.
If I can't seal it up and I can spray it, I use StarSan.