Other Amazon Fontana kits

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Still waiting.........
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2018
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I was looking at a Pinot Grigio Fontana kit on Amazon. In one of the reviews, the user stated that the starting SG was 1.056. Is that why these kits are so cheap?
Probably not. The SG is just a function of how much water you use to reconstitute. Those kits might not include extras like the more expensive kits. Such a oak chips, skins, etc.
The extras are not important. I have all those supplies in my wine room. Also I would make a five gallon batch instead of six. I think I’ll give it a try. I can always tweak.
The extras are not important. I have all those supplies in my wine room. Also I would make a five gallon batch instead of six. I think I’ll give it a try. I can always tweak.
If my calculations are correct, even a 5 gallon batch would yield a less than 10% wine. I believe you will have to chaptalize in order to get something on the 12.5-13.5% range, which is typical for Pinot Grigio. I suggest determining the final ABV you desire and working backward to a starting SG.

Also, I would imagine Joe at @joeswine has probably made this kit and you may want to contact him for advice.

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