i love this country as well, but i have come to learn...."love your country, but fear your government"....i am by no means a conspiracy theorist but believe me, there is soooo much that goes on behind the scenes with "our elected officials", that we are never privy too.....they only let us, the ones that "put them into power", ergo, in a round about way, "their bosses", what they want us to know...i'm sorry, i know we have the "best" political system out there, but it truly is far from perfect...when our elected officials, who should be looking out for our best interests, and working for us, seem to be following their own personal agendas, i take offense to that....when i see we have people in this country struggling to make ends meets, and i do means those that are working, and as previously mentioned, 2 income households, that can't get a little help, but we can help send aid, and support other struggling countries, i have a problem....when we have people that graciously served our military and risked their lives in combat, that the government basically turns their back on afterwards, i have a problem as well...ok...enough of this rant....i think you all see where i am going with this, and believe me, i could go on, but i'll get off of my soapbox as well now.....sorry everyone....