Ancient Orange label

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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My latest adventure!

I like it joan...a splash of color on the flowers might enhance it just a bit. Just my thoughts.
Waldo, I'm on a black and white kick right now. The yellow bees show up much better in person!

Wait until you see the wacky label I'm working on now!!!
I like it Joan I have always been partial to the classic black and white photoes and pictures.
Joan, my label can't compare, but it is interesting that we chose the same basic theme for AOM.

Smokegrub, I love your hive!! Your label is wonderful!

Wade, you inspired me! I haven't looked at your label since you posted it a while back. I didn't want to look again because I didn't want to copy yours but I did want to copy the feel of it. Does that make sense? If you hadn't made yours, mine wouldn't look anything like it does. I thank you!
appleman said:
They all look great! Now if you guys ever get them finsihed up and a year or two on them, you will have to have a taste off!
The Polish Wine Princess would like to volunteer her services as a judge should there be a taste off.

Im Humbled Joan!
Mine is crystal clear and just waiting for me to bottle it!
Edited by: wade
youse guys are all so talented. I wish mine were somewhat creative. maybe you all can send me some creativity - in a bottle. what a wonderful concept. great job all and keep sharing,

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