Anyone making 100% Norton wine here?

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I have a love-hate relationship with Norton. I want to like it but I have had too many bad Norton wines. I will also say that I have had both Chrysalis and Stone Hill Nortons when I toured their wineries, and I was not terribly impressed. The winemakers were quite dismissive and zip lipped also. I just roll my eyes, no winemaker in California acts like that.

I would love to try to make my own Norton, to get a feel for how this wine evolves, but I doubt that I can find a source of frozen grapes that ship. I would like to attempt to grow a vine in California. Any ideas how it would handle the hot, dry climate?

How do you make Norton wines?

View attachment 66492
Norton grapes grown in California: https://d2xcq4qphg1ge9.cloudfront.n...351/original_Norton_202018_20tech_20sheet.pdf