Anyone want my grapes or juice? (SE Wisconsin)

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Victim of the Invasion of the Avatar Snatchers
Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2013
Reaction score
near Milwaukee
Oh, of all the rotten, ironic luck.

I am going to Bordeaux, France shortly. Yay! (Right?) Except that the grapes and juice I am getting in a group buy with the Wisconsin Vintner's Association will be coming in while I am gone.

I ordered 300 lbs of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes and 13 gallons of Viognier juice, both from Washington State (Prosser area, near Horse Heaven Hills). It will likely be coming next week. If you are interested in these grapes or juice, please send me a private message (envelope icon in upper right of your browser). Feel free to leave a note here, too, but I will respond by private message.