Are they clean enough?

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Senior Member
May 2, 2011
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So I have these 6 carboys that I got which have obviously not been used in several years by the looks of them. They also appear to be crusted with stuff (like as if not cleaned out very well after the last time they were used). The oxyclean seems to be doing a really good job of cleaning out the stuff you can see, but I was wondering about the stuff you can't see! Would letting them sit with K-Meta Sanitizer for a while be enough to kill EVERYTHING? Should I soak or clean them with bleach first too? (and obviously rinse really really well after doing this).
Sarah, I'd wash out the "crud", soak overnite in Oxyclean Free, wash, rinse 3 times, then swish with K-meta & leave it in for a day or so, sealed. I store my carboys with an inch or so of K-meta in them to prevent these problems. Roy
I personally like using c-brite or a heavy dose of sulfite - while using a good brush

If posible it is always better let it soak overnight if time is allowed

thanks steve
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Clean good today with oxy-clean. Then soak with c-brite or a 50/50 mix of meta and citric acid. Be careful the meta/citric will have strong oder. 3tbs/gal of each.
Thanks everyone! Right now I am soaking them in oxyclean over night, was going to scrub them out with the brush in the morning. I usually store them with a few cups of K-Meta sanitizer covered by a trash bag and closed off with a rubber band when I store them. I just didn't know if there was anything else I should do in addition to that. They are starting to look a lot cleaner even after soaking a few hours.
Sarah if your going to store them with meta in them you really need to use a solid bung or an air lock to be effective.

I use the plastic caps from 19 liter water bottles - I have a bunch of the old ones without the holes and they work great.
So 4 out of the 6 are sparkling clean after soaking overnight! Hard to believe all the layer of dirt, dust, dead bugs and even some leftover wine came out! 2 of the carboys still have about a one inch ring on the side near the bottom, so I'm going to let them soak another day. After taking a good look at them, all 6 are old Belmont Springs water jugs, 5 gallons made in Mexico.
Dan, if you use Citric acid you only need 1 tbls of kmeta.

I thought it was supposed to be 3 tablespoons metabisulfite plus 1 tablespoon of citric acid. That's how I've been mixing my sanitizing solution. However, I can't stand the smell and fumes anymore, so I've switched to Iodaphor.