My bride and I are selling our home in Ohio and heading for “God's Waiting Room” (Florida). I will be selling the winemaking equipment listed below. With the exception of the wine press, it is what I use on a regular basis to make wine, so most all of the equipment is used:
List updated to reflect additions and sales, as of 3:30 PM, 2-13-21
22 carboys/jugs: 8 each 6 gallon glass ($25), 9 each 5 gallon glass ($20), 1 each 3 gallon ($12), 4 each 1 gallon glass ($3). All carboys will be supplied with a stopper and an airlock while supply lasts.
Wine press, Berraducci Brothers, McKeesport, PA. All there, works great, needs thorough cleaning and sanitizing ($300) (see pics)
14 gallon lab jar (see pics), very thick glass ($100)
Italian floor corker (with the "NorCal" mod!) ($75) (see pics)
Fermenters: 2 each 20 gallon Brute with top and spigot ($15 each), 7.9 gallon with top and spigot ($5) (see pics)
Used Wine bottles: I have 30-40 cases of wine bottles, de-labeled and cleaned but not sanitized, all cork finish, mostly dark but some clear ($5). Most bottles are Bordeaux style but there are a few cases of Burgundy style.
Bottling Corks, Nomacorc's #9 x 1 1/2", bags of 100 ($12)
All carboys are glass and empty, sold in a plastic juice bucket for easy transportation. They are clean but not sanitized.
Reply to this posting if you are interested in any of the above. If you require further information, let me know.
Thank you.

List updated to reflect additions and sales, as of 3:30 PM, 2-13-21
22 carboys/jugs: 8 each 6 gallon glass ($25), 9 each 5 gallon glass ($20), 1 each 3 gallon ($12), 4 each 1 gallon glass ($3). All carboys will be supplied with a stopper and an airlock while supply lasts.
Wine press, Berraducci Brothers, McKeesport, PA. All there, works great, needs thorough cleaning and sanitizing ($300) (see pics)
14 gallon lab jar (see pics), very thick glass ($100)
Italian floor corker (with the "NorCal" mod!) ($75) (see pics)
Fermenters: 2 each 20 gallon Brute with top and spigot ($15 each), 7.9 gallon with top and spigot ($5) (see pics)
Used Wine bottles: I have 30-40 cases of wine bottles, de-labeled and cleaned but not sanitized, all cork finish, mostly dark but some clear ($5). Most bottles are Bordeaux style but there are a few cases of Burgundy style.
Bottling Corks, Nomacorc's #9 x 1 1/2", bags of 100 ($12)
All carboys are glass and empty, sold in a plastic juice bucket for easy transportation. They are clean but not sanitized.
Reply to this posting if you are interested in any of the above. If you require further information, let me know.
Thank you.

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