just a guy
“Drinkable” key word. LolI was wondering that. That if I can correct with acid after I give the MLB a chance. If it tastes like it's missing acid before bottling, I can then add some back with tartaric?
Thanks for sharing regarding the juice buckets! It's interesting the kits do things so differently. Is that specifically because they skip the MLB fermentation? I know not all wines benefit from it so I guess that wouldn't always be the case. I guess obviously time is a factor as many advertise as drinkable in 28 days or so.
who knows man. All juice bucket manufacturers processes vary too. Same as the kits. And not all are forthcoming with info. Take this one for instance. “POSSIBLY citric acid”.

all I know is this for red wine:
Fresh grapes/frozen must- acid adjustments may be needed. MLF benefits .
Fresh seasonal juice - no acid adjusting needed typically. Benefits from MLF
kits-no adjusting needed. No mlf