AWS results?

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Preemptive has-been
Oct 20, 2018
Reaction score
Any guesses as to when the AWS amateur competition results will be posted somewhere? I haven’t done this competition in a few years, can’t even remember where to look…
I didn't get a single one which I find incredibly odd. One of the wine, a Tannat was a silver from 2 years ago saying the tannins were too sharp and the wine needed a little more aging. I truly think my wines were never entered in the competition.
Yeah, I’m not super impressed with the experience this year either. For the scale of it and the overall cost, I kind of expected more. Not necessarily that my stuff performs better, but organizationally. Dunno.
If I may ask where were your 10 entries?
I think I posted this earlier in another thread. This year the AWS had over 1700 entries with 522 medals. They shorted me one silver, the Viognier also got silver.


  • 2023 AWC All Results_Final.pdf
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  • 2023 Competition Results.jpg
    2023 Competition Results.jpg
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Has anybody entered the Wine Makers Magazine competition yet for 2024? I just sent off a few bottles not sure how tuff it is or how many contestants submit wines? Any words of wisdom on these competitions!!!
You could get differing ratings on your wines from the three judges but the notes are usually helpful. I'm trying to decide which wines to enter in the Winemaker Magazine Competition some will be the same as AWS and a few additional. The reason I'm entering some of the same is to see how consistent the judges notes are.

I got a bronze for the Petit Manseng that it bottled a single bottle from a carboy. One of the judges said it could benefit from a little back sweetening. Bringing the SG from .996 to 1.002 did make a difference. So I'm reentering this, curious to see how it rates.

You should enter, it's fun and sometimes helpful to see the results.
It's American Wine Society. They have local chapters throughout the country. We have 3 in our area which we belong to one of them. Ours have monthly meetings that talk about different wines from different region. There is an annual fee as well as a fee for the meetings which cover the wines and guest speakers. Some of the time it's a chapter member that does the presentation. It used to be you would bring a bottle of wine for a pre meeting social but we were told it is against ABC regulations.