There is certainly an art to getting the flavor just the way you want. Several times I have made a frozen concord grape concentrate/blackberry Dragon's Blood version which I had never back sweetened. I like it dry. This last bottling didn't seem as good, so to one of my bottles I added 1 TBS of simple syrup and we were amazed at the difference in flavor. As this batch is already bottled I will just add the SS as I open the bottle. I had made a plum, one of my first batches and it really did not have enough plum flavor even after 14 months in a car boy, it just tasted like alcohol. So I made a flavor pak of a few jars of my home canned plums and a jar of homemade plum jam. Simmered most of the water out, added it to the carboy and let it set another couple of months. After racking again, letting it sit another couple months, then stabilizing it was finally ready to bottle. It is sweeter than most of my wines, but among my beer drinking friends it is a favorite! And those bench tests can be kind of fun, sampling and sampling and well you get the picture!