Backsweetening / sorbate

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Nov 26, 2017
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Hey guys. I have a batch of skeeter in the carboy. Last week the SG was about .992 so I added a little less than 2 teaspoons sorbate (BSG says .3 tsp per gallon, 6 gallon batch) to stabilize so I can backsweeten before bottling. A week later and it still seems to be fermenting as there are still bubbles rising in the carboy. I understand that sorbate does not stop active fermentation, but how long can fementation continue after adding? Can this be an indication that the sobate isn't working, or should I trust it and just wait til the bubbles stop, then backsweeten then bottle? This is my first time backsweetening, and I would rather not have corks popping. :) Thanks.
Bubbles are not a surefire sign of fermentation. At 0.992, your fermentation is probably done. The bubbles are probably just the existing CO2 degassing. Recheck your SG to see if it has changed.
I forgot to mention that I did rack and degas it before adding the sorbate. I guess it is possible that there is some residual c02.