Bad weather headed my way

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Supporting Member
Nov 12, 2005
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I decided to come inside from being out pruning as it was getting pretty bad looking around. I went to the computer and tuned in to the weather channel also on the TV. Up popped a severe thunderstorm warning, which was promptly interupted by a Tornado warning. There is a tornado on the ground, moving through the area to my northwest. It is moving just to my north, but another large storm is headed directly to the sothwest and heading this way. I may be offline for a while. Hopefully we escape the worst of the storms, but time will tell. I have a conference call and then a meeting with a client over the next couple hours. It could get iteresting!

And it was so nice here this AM- in the 70's and sunny. Now mid 80's and very humid and cloudy(getting dark).......................................................
Be careful.. Get in the cellar if you "must".

Surrounding yourself with lots of glass bottles does sound like an interesting and exciting place to be during a tornado!

Be safe Rich.
That was a close one. The tornado traveled about 50 miles bouncing along. I was worried for a while because two storms converged just as they got to us, including the one with the tornado. Looks like they sucked momentum out of it and made one bigger storm and lost the bow. That happened literally on the next street over. Guess somebody was looking out again. We got .96 inches of rain in 15 minutes time. It could have been a lot worse for me. Look out Vermont it is out over the lake and headed your way. I had to briefly join a scheduled conference call during the worst of it to tell them I was having bad weather and couldn't stay on- I called from the safest area of the basement.
More on the way - another big cell is almost here, about 15 minutes until it hits. One spot closeby before got 2.8 inches in 20 minutes!
We just got hit a few times from your storms Rich, washed out my neighbors flower bed and took down some trees. About 40,000 people without power as I heard right before I went to the doctor and got my bi weekly shot in the spine. Came out of there just in time for the 3rd wave to settle down.
You oughta live in Texas for a while - tornadoes lose their novelty pretty quick. They can be pretty intimidating when you see what they can do, but the odds of *you* (or any particular person/house) getting hit are quite slim. It's the hail that can be widespread and very destructive.

Of course, living in Texas means snow is a novelty, and 1-2" accumulation is cause to shut down the entire city for a couple days or more...
For some reason the odds go up exponentially if you live in a trailer park, don't ask me why but tornado's always make a beeline for them.

BartReeder said:
They can be pretty intimidating when you see what they can do, but the odds of *you* (or any particular person/house) getting hit are quite slim. 
ibglowin said:
For some reason the odds go up exponentially if you live in a trailer park, don't ask me why but tornado's always make a beeline for them.

BartReeder said:
They can be pretty intimidating when you see what they can do, but the odds of *you* (or any particular person/house) getting hit are quite slim.

I've often wondered why the NWS doesn't tow trailers in front of tornados to lead them out into the country and away from populated areas.