Good day all.
I finally got the recipe for the Irish Stout I was given to try. It is a brew in a bag, and I have no clue, so I just wanted to make sure I am on track.
I am assuming that I want to take the mash ingredients in a bag and 8 gallons of water and boil for 90 minutes, adding the whirlfloc in the last 15 minutes. Aim for SG of 1.038, cool and pitch yeast. Ferment and transfer to secondary. Age 30 days and add corn sugar to full batch and bottle?
The only thing I am not really getting is the saccharafication measurements and mash out temps and times.
Any clarification and or correction is appreciated!

◯ Date Bottled/Kegged: 06 Aug 2022 - Carbonation: Bottle with 3.61 oz Corn Sugar
◯ Age beer for 30.00 days at 65.0 F
◯ 05 Sep 2022 - Drink
I finally got the recipe for the Irish Stout I was given to try. It is a brew in a bag, and I have no clue, so I just wanted to make sure I am on track.
I am assuming that I want to take the mash ingredients in a bag and 8 gallons of water and boil for 90 minutes, adding the whirlfloc in the last 15 minutes. Aim for SG of 1.038, cool and pitch yeast. Ferment and transfer to secondary. Age 30 days and add corn sugar to full batch and bottle?
The only thing I am not really getting is the saccharafication measurements and mash out temps and times.
Any clarification and or correction is appreciated!

◯ Date Bottled/Kegged: 06 Aug 2022 - Carbonation: Bottle with 3.61 oz Corn Sugar
◯ Age beer for 30.00 days at 65.0 F
◯ 05 Sep 2022 - Drink
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