Lets start out with what our “Behind the Scenes” thread is about:
Here, we talk about everything that goes on, well, “behind the scenes”. In this thread, we talk about how to make the wine, the process, our tips and tricks, etc. What this particular post is going to be about is how to determine if your wine is ready to bottle.
We all take sips of the wine throughout the process, just to see what it tastes like and to try to anticipate what it will be like when finished. Here is another one of those moments but the wine is closer to the finished product than it was during your earlier samplings. (duh!)
Ok, So here is the line-up: From left to right: Muscate, Pineapple, Strawberry, Caramel Port, and Cabernet. No, I don’t take “2-glass samples” for myself.. haha. My wine and wine-partner-in-crime (Kate) are the tasters. Here are their observations. Note: Remember, ALL these wines are still young. None are over 6 mths. Old.
Muscate: (started 8/22/13- Wineexpert Kit, with our addition of white Sunmaid raisons)
Light, Fresh, Fruity, Not too sweet, smooth and enjoyable!
Pineapple: (Started 7/5/2013- From Concentrate, plus 6 oz. pineapple extract)
Nice, Strong Aroma
Little high in acidity will let it sit a little longer (young)
Strawberry: (started 8/16/2013- Walker’s Juice with our added strawberry F-pak)
Aroma: reminds me of fruit brandy
Light, nice strawberry taste, young but good
Caramel Port: (started 10/3/2013- Cru Kit, with added 6 oz. caramel extract plus oak tannins)
Aroma of butterscotch and burnt sugar (smells nice!)
Nice caramel flavor, Some fruit notes, nice alchohol, hold and let it sit- it will be nice in time.
Cabernet: (started 12/19/2013- Wineexpert Selection Kit, with our addition of Corinth grapes)
Aroma- oak
Tastes a bit of smoked oak, nice cab flavor.
Nice and dry, Not thin, but not a full bodied wine. Needs to sit
With these reviewers, I think the only one we are going to bottle at this time will be the Muscate. All the others will be better with time.