Things to remember
My wine making area I have a cork board and on a place various items, the most important of these items that are pinned to the board is something I learned early on the difference between .
No sometimes how we know something should be but our mind doesn't perceive it that way or we see the written word and yet we kind of sometimes don't understand it but we think we do , or just gets confused with something else that's close to it . will try this on for size especially all you newbies out there this is important for you , if I were you I would do like I did print this out . To a wall somewhere someplace we could always walk by and take a look .
Capitalization, is the process of adding sugar to unfermented grape must in order to increase the alcohol content after fermentation . the technique was developed by a French chemist IT was named after contrary to popular belief . the process does not make the WINE sweeter
. BUT only artificially inflates the alcohol content.. . Additionally, the sugar is capitalize. . The wine cannot be taste..

Potassium metabolic sulfate, is a common wine or must additive , where forms sulfur dioxide gas or S02 . this both prevents most wild microorganisms from growing, and it acts as a potential antioxidant , protecting both the color, and delicate flavors of the wine.
Typical dosage is a quarter teaspoon potassium metabolic sulfate for six GALLONS OF must prior to fermentation , and a half a teaspoon or 6 gallon bucket at bottling .
Wine making Equipment is sanitized by spraying with a 1% solution potassium metabolic sulfate .
Potassium sorbate, is used to inhibit mold , and yeast in the wine. also known as affectionately as wine stabilizer , potassium sorbate produces sorbic acid when added to the wine .it serves two purposes. when active fermentation has ceased and the wine is racked for the final time after clearing, potassium sorbate will render any surviving these incapable of not multiplying . each living at that moment can continue fermenting any sugar into CO2 and alcohol , but when they die no new lease will be present to cause future fermentation. way wine is sweetened before bottling potassium survey is used to prevent the fermentation when used in conjunction with potassium metabolic sulfate . it is primarily used with sweet wines, sparkling wines and some hard ciders but may be added to table wines which exhibit difficulty in maintaining clarity in finding. A
Print this out, put it someplace where you could see it,we'll pass by IT, where you'll take notice of it, on a daily basis,TILL it sinks in. two key components In YOUR wine making toolbox , capitalization a process to learn correctly. .......
..............print it...