Best label removal hack EVER

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hehe i got the washing machine with them finger stealing rollers, and in good working condition. my night stand by the bed is a old short potbelly two burner wood stove,
that is cool the milk bottles work great with wine making also half gal qt pint and half pint
i remember the milkman, and milk in jars with the cardboard pull tabs on the milk, but yawl got me beat,
I barely remember milk being delivered in the glass bottles and put into the cubby hole beside the back door that had a door that opened from the outside, and one on the inside. I still have some of those bottles too.
I barely remember milk being delivered in the glass bottles and put into the cubby hole beside the back door that had a door that opened from the outside, and one on the inside. I still have some of those bottles too.
can you remember the cafes with pigeon holes and you put the amount in then open them little glass doors to get what you want, man i was so young then :( but not anymore, you people are driving me to drink,,,
I can't believe there is another living human being that remembers the oleo bag with the yellow/orange button in the middle!! It was MY job to squish it all together so that it looked like real butter. To this day I will not eat margarine,( or in the old days called oleomargarin). Our first TV was 13" with a magnifying glass in front of it. We used to put cards in the window saying, ICE, COAL, etc., and yes, we had an iceman who had a huge claw that latched onto a hunk of ice and put it in the top of our "icebox". It was also my job to empty the bottom tray of water as the ice melted......................and we still had the Milkman who delivered in an aluminum box at our back door................I remember the rollers of the wringer machines how everything came out flat-as-a-pancake, many times breaking buttons on shirts/blouses................................Those were the "good old days". You and I must be the same age to remember those things...............................Dizzy

It's almost impossible to find anyone who remembers squishing those little orange balls to make the oleo turn yellow like butter. In school we had our recess and lunch milk in those little glass bottles with the paper cap you had to pull out with the little tab. We didn't have an iceman, but we did have the milk delivered and left in the insulated aluminum box on the steps. We put a bright orange sign in the window if we wanted the dry cleaner to stop and pick up some things to be cleaned. And we had a "rag man" come by in his truck every so often yelling "rags .... rags". If you had any rags, you ran out and gave them to him. I never did figure out what he did with all those rags. We also had a fishmonger who came by in his truck by on Fridays with fresh fish. You could stay outside and play all day and into the night and your parents didn't have to worry about you getting abducted, etc. You could leave your toys in the front yard and they would still be there in the morning. You were lucky with that big 13" TV. Ours was a 9" tabletop model but still good for watching "I Remember Mama"! I wonder if I'll still remember all this stuff when I get old!!! :h
Use a hair dryer! Heat the label starting at one side and peel lable off as you move the heat from the dryer across the lable. Easy peezy 🤷‍♂️
I've been wanting to post this out there for folks that say they hate struggling with reusing wine bottles because they don't like all the fuss with scraping the label off... I can clean off 2 bottles in about 5 mins flat with these 2 things!! But need to soak the bottles for at least 2 days. Use the20220213_134512.jpg flat razor blade tool (I got at Harbor Freight for $2), then a little bit of Goo Be Gone (a little goes a long way) over the labeled area, then finally just sponge off the bottle to get off the Goo Be Gone and viola! Done. Please give it a try and reuse those wine bottles!20220213_134512.jpg
I've tried it on different bottles but don't know about ALL the different labels. Sorry can only speak for the few I have done thus far, but it only be about a $8 investment to try...
I pop mine in the oven for a few minutes like the original post suggests. I did 12 bottles the other day in about 10 minutes. I actually put the bottles in after I finished baking bread (delicious sourdough) and the remaining heat was plenty, so I cleaned 12 bottles more or less for free. Heat, peel, let cool. If there is leftover glue, a light wash with soapy water will remove the rest. Just use potholders for the hot bottles!
We have used the razor and goo gone but not soaked them for a couple days. Do you just soak them in cold water?
We have used the razor and goo gone but not soaked them for a couple days. Do you just soak them in cold water?
Yes any temp water to saturate the paper. Just leave them for a day or so tho
We have used the razor and goo gone but not soaked them for a couple days. Do you just soak them in cold water?
I pop mine in the oven for a few minutes like the original post suggests. I did 12 bottles the other day in about 10 minutes. I actually put the bottles in after I finished baking bread (delicious sourdough) and the remaining heat was plenty, so I cleaned 12 bottles more or less for free. Heat, peel, let cool. If there is leftover glue, a light wash with soapy water will remove the rest. Just use potholders for the hot bottles!
I had seen your post and liked it, but don't use my oven often. So I just threw them in a tub and walked a way for a day or two then cleaned them up

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