Bing/Black Cherry wine

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Jan 11, 2010
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Hello everyone,

I started a 6G batch of Cherry wine last month using 3.5G of juice extracted from home grown Bing Cherries and 1 Gallon of Black Cherry organic juice with no preservatives combined with water and a couple of tea bags for mouth feel. Problem, when I transfered the wine to the secondary at 1.02 after starting er at 1.09 with Lavlin 71B yeast, after two days or so, I was getting a strong ethyl acetate or nail polish remover smell which continued through degassing.

I tried the wine two weeks ago and it tasted really bitter, quite bad, but tried it again today after it started clearing nicely and it tasted similar to Coffee with a hint of cherries. The nail polish smell is still there, although not anywhere as strong. Should I scrap this batch or would racking and sweetening as I planned help this smooth out over time? I know 71B produces esters, but hmm...Any discussion would be much appreciated!
Never trash a wine unless you have at least given it 1 year. A splash racking could possibly rid your wine of it and a sweetening could also hide it.
I agree with wade. Give it a good splash racking and see it it wont go away.
Thanks for the input guys, I'll be splash racking over the weekend and hopefully saving 40 pounds of fruit work in the process.

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