I usually make muscadine wine and a couple of times Blanc du Bois. 1st time to work with Black Spanish( Lenoir). Was following A Jack Keller recipe and it indicated it would benefit from oak. I have some oakstix on order and should be in by the weekend.
I transfered to glass carboys to finish fermentation and has been settling out for about a month now.
Should I rack off the fine lees and sulfite before putting in the oak strips?
With Muscadine I would rack then pull a vacuum to de carbonate, apply sulfite, top off and allow to clear while racking one or 2 more times. Then I would back sweeten and bottle.
Different process, if someone could enlighten me on the process of oaking and order of racking I would appreciate it. Ordered 2 types of Oakstix light toast and medium toast, also do the strips of oak need to soak in potassium metabisulfite solution to sterilize before using?
13gals in process, two five gal carboys and one 3 gal
I transfered to glass carboys to finish fermentation and has been settling out for about a month now.
Should I rack off the fine lees and sulfite before putting in the oak strips?
With Muscadine I would rack then pull a vacuum to de carbonate, apply sulfite, top off and allow to clear while racking one or 2 more times. Then I would back sweeten and bottle.
Different process, if someone could enlighten me on the process of oaking and order of racking I would appreciate it. Ordered 2 types of Oakstix light toast and medium toast, also do the strips of oak need to soak in potassium metabisulfite solution to sterilize before using?
13gals in process, two five gal carboys and one 3 gal