Blackberry and Black Cherry wine yeasts

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Nov 25, 2009
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I started a 5 gallon batch of blackberry wine tonight, along with a 2.5 gallon batch of black cherry wine. I'm not sure if I'll have time to shop for yeast tomorrow, leaving me with these options on hand:

Pasteur Red

Right now I'm thinking Pasteur Red for the cherry, and no idea for the blackberry. Suggestions please!
Another vote here for ec 1118, but montrachet will work too, pastuer red a close third. but any of those listed will work in a pinch.
I just bottled a batch of blackberry wine a week or so a go. Used EC-1118. Worked well. A little hot but should age out.
71B is a better culture for blackberry so that you metabolize part of the malic acid, which is what can make this wine seem so harsh.
My choice of the choices given would be the K1-V1116, I would also ferment in a bit cooler location around 68F This will help maintain the fruitiness of the wine.

Although I agree with turock If you can put things off until you can get some 71B you would be much happier with the blackberry
Ended up going with EC-1118 for the Blackberry, and Pasteur Red for the black cherry.

I know, 71-B would've been my first choice from reading all the recipes on site. I found more blackberries while doing a freezer inventory. Next time I have an open secondary, I plan on trying a batch with the 71-B to see the difference.

Moving to basement for a cooler ferment and more fruitiness isn't a bad idea. That was one of my biggest worries when choosing the powerhouse EC-1118 or K1-V116.

Thanks for the feedback!