K keepitlow Junior Joined Jul 30, 2010 Messages 4 Reaction score 0 Jul 30, 2010 #1 Has anyone tried bleach to sanitize fermenters? How much should I dilute it?
W Wade E Premium Joined Jul 3, 2006 Messages 33,224 Reaction score 292 Jul 30, 2010 #2 Not a great idea as youll basically compromise it by rinsing it out after anyway. Sulfite solution is the best for the buck.
Not a great idea as youll basically compromise it by rinsing it out after anyway. Sulfite solution is the best for the buck.
D deboard Senior Member Joined Nov 30, 2009 Messages 807 Reaction score 30 Jul 30, 2010 #3 I do use oxygen bleach (oxy-clean is one brand name) to clean out carboys/buckets after I use them, but never before using, them, sulfite solution then.
I do use oxygen bleach (oxy-clean is one brand name) to clean out carboys/buckets after I use them, but never before using, them, sulfite solution then.
Tom Senior Member Joined Nov 6, 2006 Messages 11,355 Reaction score 111 Jul 30, 2010 #4 Make a k-meta batch (3tbls in1gal) and keep it in a 1 gal jug. You can reuse many times Like Wade said you will need to rinse
Make a k-meta batch (3tbls in1gal) and keep it in a 1 gal jug. You can reuse many times Like Wade said you will need to rinse