Blueberry Juice bring advice

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Well once in season I use 30-36#'s for 6 gallon batch. + F-Pac.
How much juice do you think you get from 30-36#'s of berries? Better yet how much water do you wind up adding to the berries to make 6 gallons?

Mud you feeling better yet, it takes a little while to come down from those seditives.
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If I use my STEAM JUICER and depending on the berry about 3+ gallons.
Now using a steam juicer is different than PRESSING the berries. This seams like what you got.
I'd say Steam Juicer. Once used there is nothing left . I also say more color and flavor with it. Pressing will leave more behind.
Well the test kit was purchased today as well as pH test strips. The readings were

pH 3.4
acid level .3 - .4% if I am reading the kit correctly.

The acid kit said that for every ml of solution dropped in would equal .1% acid. I started with the recommended 10ml and stopped with about 6.5ml and the juice had stopped changing colors and was dark enough I could not see through it. I used 15 ml of juice and about 20ml of distilled water as per kit instuctions. Water was used to lighten the color of the juice, turned it a nice light purple color. It turned almost black with the test solution. Hope it was done correctly!

I didn't test the SG yet, I wanted to wait and see if the other levels were correct first. So ol masters of the berry wines please give some direction, are the levels where they need to be, or do I need to change them. Will this half gallon of juice be able to make 1 gallon of wine or will I need another half gallon?

Oh yeah I have 20lbs of blueberries on the way, should get them by Friday. My pops is going to be delivering honey to the blueberry farms that sell it, and he is picking up 40lbs of blueberries tomorrow. I get half of them, but wont see him until friday. I dont want to mix the juice with the fresh berries, they will be used for another batch of wine made from straight berries. Probably a 3 gallon batch.
I would adjust the acid to around .65 which should bring the ph to around 3.2 and that will bring the acid level to where it needs be as acid levels should be between .55-.70 and ph range is 3.0 - 3.5 optimally.
Is there an acid chart to tell me how much to add, or is it add some and test? If that is the case how much should I start with before testing? What happens if I add to much?
I had a chart for how much to add to how much wine and lost in "The Crash" Ill have to re do a lot of stuff that Im missing again as I had it in 3 of 4 of my computers and guess which of the 4 wasnt hooked up to any internet! :(
Does 4.5 grams of acid blend sound about right to bring a half gallon up to .65 from .4
I used the wine calculator to get that amount.

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