So here is my blueberry update
I started the fermentation (with lots of berries 4 gallons),and it went for a couple days and quit..I did this 3 diffrent times and each time it would drop a few marks on the hydometer then quit.
I seemed to have alot (1 gal or so) of sludge..thick pulp in the bottom of the fermenter. I did squeeze asmuch juice as I could out of the strainer bag in the begining.
I transfered to a carboy so I could see it better, then racked back leaving that gallon or so behind.
I had 6 gallons to start and now am down to 5.
Started another yeast starter with nutrent and energizerand now things seem to be going much better.SG dropped 10 points in 3 days. and things are bubbleing much better
Why do you thinkthe must/sludgekept killing the yeast?
Should I rack sonner to get off the old yeasties?
I have not checked the acid content but that is next on my toy list.
Thanks for the help