Bottle shock - Cranberry wine?

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Dec 6, 2018
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I have 2 one gallon carboys of cranberry wine that I made last winter - they have been appropriately stored with top up, K-meta, etc. When I mentioned that I was planning on bottling these this coming week, a friend who adores cranberry asked if I would bring some to a get-together in 10 days (this would include a 5 hours road trip). Any thoughts on the resilience of 10 month old cranberry wine to stand up to bottling, travel and uncorking all in 2 weeks?
Thanks for the perspectives! Perhaps I will bring a bottle or two and provide a caveat - come back another day for another taste!
@Rice_Guy is right about it being negligible on such a tart taste. but set back a couple bottles for a couple years and you'll see what i mean about it being in its prime. almost any wine grows better with time, skeeter pee i only bulk age for 1 to 2 years, all my other country wines get 4 to 10 years to bulk, I have a blackberry melomel that at 2 years was horrible to the point i stopped making that particular mead, now at 8 years i kick myself for doing so, i only have 3 bottles left, and it is so smooth and silky , that it gripes my butt, after all I'm getting old enough to not go for very long bulk aging, my elderberry i used to bulk for 8 to 10 years, now i go 50/50 elderberry-blackberry that ages much quicker, and gives me a very nice wine, the more as @Rice_Guy calls it tannic the longer it takes to really smooth out and blend to a very nice wine,

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