So, we got some major strangeness going on right now. The gravity was around 1.030 when I added the starter ( which included 1.5 gallons of water). The gravity is now 1.036-1.038 ( yes it has gone up) and the perception of sweetness has gone down, and the perception of sour has increased. It looks like their might be some minor activity going on from the yeast, but it is hard to tell. If it is doing anything, it is going full ahead slow.
So, here are my theories and I wonder what you guys think.
1) The gravity appears to have gone up from Co2 pushing the hydrometer up, the sweetness perception has gone down due to fermentation and the sour perception increased due to a drop in sugar.
2) The gravity has actually increased due to acetic acid formation converting less dense ethanol into more dense acetic acid. Thus raising the gravity and increasing the perception of acid and decreasing the sugar perception.
Any thoughts or opinions? I have been adventurous with this guy and have had this guy open the whole time.