Brew Belt on Glass Carboy ?

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Jan 31, 2007
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Another newbee question

The instructions on the brewbelts say to only use on plastic.

Can you safely use on a 6 gal glass carboy ?

Many folks do use it on their carboys without issues. I believe the concern is the concentrated heat on the glass carboy in a relatively small area.

Since the manufacturer warns you not use it on glass you do it at your own risk.
I have used my brewers belt on the glass carboy, and so far without any problems. I guess I never read the instruction, and so never thought it was an issue. But, will probably still use it on the glass carboy until further evidenceshows/says "NOT" to!
Wow..........sure don't want to explode a glass carboy

what a mess that would be
I would think it would need to get pretty hot though to crack one

Thanks for the feedback/warning

Perhaps George could contacthis rep for themand get their explanation of why they say not to use it on glass It could be something akin to not removing those labels from your pillows, mattress, etc.
Edited by: Waldo
I noticed the warning at the bottom of the glass carboy reads do not heat. That may be to keep people from using the glass bottle onor in a stove. People do tend to get creative.It would probably take alot of heat or extreme and rapid temperature changes to crack the glass. I would think the glass would be able to withstand more heat than a plastic bucket.
What is it this week! You guys are making me nervous again. OK! so now I have taken the brewers belt off the glass carboy! Better safe than sorry!
I read on another forum that years ago with the Mexican carboys there
was an issue and the 2 companies were blaming each other for faults.
Since then the mexican carboys have been revamped but both companies
still use their disclaimer just to cover their *****. I have had 2 brew
belts on a carboy for 2 weeks when this winter really came into effect
in my basement just to finish my batch off without any problem.
Probably wouldnt be a good idea to put it on a very cold carboy though.

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