ALL DIY! It used to be a dual sided sliding table saw that we scrapped at work so I snagged it and knew I could use it for something but hadnt imagined this until I saw my first 3 tier brew stand and said yep.
Here's my larger 3 tier gravity feed system... 40 gal cast out wort (8 x 5 gal kegs)... 30 gal + 2 x 15 gal brew kettles, 40 gal mash tun, 30 gal HLT... I set this up in my garage... I do all my hot liquor up in a 55 gal plastic drum with a heating element overnight then in the morning I transfer by pump to the various tanks... I use a Therminator plate chiller and transfer all the chilled wort to my brew room in the basement.
I fabricated the brew stand and my HLT/MT... the big kettle I bought used for $50
Dang, those are big batches!!! Lets see that kegerator!!!!!!!!!! I onky have 4 on tap, could be 5 but the wife always wants to at least be able to put some milk or something in the middle to have extra in the house. I have to give somewhere right? hehehehe
I don't have a kegerator as such but my bar is built over a small freezer which I built and insulated box around that can hold 2 sanke size kegs or 6 pop kegs... I have 4 perlick taps on bar top.
I also have a small beer dispenser for outdoor parties that has 2 taps on it.
I am pretty much a DIY sort of person...
I finished my two ter system this past weeekend and brewed my first all grain this past Monday. I must say I really enjoyed it. I'll post pics as soon as I can find my camera. "Dang kids"
We'll here they are. I am not to happy with the craftsmanship but it was thrown together (quickly) with material on hand. It did work well for my first attempt at all grain. The burner which is a high output burner has to be changed from the second teir to the first for the boil which is a very minor inconveinance.
Cool setup , I think the cart was buyed , but I can’t see the brand. Anyway, these photos gave me an idea! 3 months ago I’ve started to build something like these but I had no idea. Thanks!
Yea I had no choice as I have bad back and rotators. So nice having a 40 plate chiller and pump.
On Homebrew Day I make 1 20 gal and 1 10 gallon batch (30gal total) with this rig.