BrewTrax /AquaCom Solutions Out of Business?!

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Senior Member
Oct 20, 2012
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I opened my BrewTrax software this morning to check the dates on a wine that I made and noticed that my subscription was expired, not 3 weeks ago I had 400 plus days left.
I went to the BrewTrax website to email customer support and the following message appears:
January 2014

It is with regret that AquaCom Solutions has taken the very difficult decision to cease trading.

Due to time constraints and the effort required to keep our Fish Keeping and Home-Brew software up to date and competitive, whilst supporting our customers to the high standards we strive for; it is no longer possible for the company to continue in the current economic climate.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our customers and we hope to find a way of re-energising the business in the future.

Existing Customers

Your software will continue to operate indefinitely. Your AquaLive sync will still run, although there will be no further software/database updates available from AquaCom Solutions.

It is highly unlikely that we will be in a position to provide product support from this point; however please click Ask Us A Question below to send us a message, if that matter is urgent. This mailbox will be checked periodically. Unfortunately we can give no guarantee of a response time or that this service will be available indefinitely.

This sucks, as much as I disliked having to enter everything that I do to every batch of wine that I make, and I mean everything, every addition, everything I test it, it comes in very handy to be able to either recreate it, or try to diagnose where something might have went wrong.

Does anyone have any preference towards another wine management/log software, I'm not interested in an Excel or Access type Database or spreadsheet.


So the program doesnt work at all anymore?. I knew they shutdown but thought the software would still work just without updates.
It does work, part of the allure was the sync with their database, winch in turn was a sync from every user out there giving us a very large database, but I guess it isn't that important.

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