But it's been over 2 months already and I'm starting to get nervous about not having any sulfite on the wine.
I thought danger was your middle name??????
Have you run another chromatography test?
As long as you don't have any white film starting to form on the wines surface your good.
A 60/30/10 Cab/Syrah/PS would mathematically get me to around 3.53. So I'm thinking about that - subject to bench trials, of course.
Well, not exactly. Because the pH scale is logarithmic, you cannot take the simple weighted average of the pH's. Instead, you should exponentiate the negative of each number, then take an average, then take the negative logarithm to find the average pH. To convince yourself of this, consider what you would get if you took a 50/50 mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid (2.0) and water (7.0). The resultant pH would certainly not be 4.5! Instead, it is 2.3.
I went ahead and did the proper average for you, and find that your 60/30/10 blend would get you to 3.42.
Can you detect any off tastes at all or salt?
What did you end up doing with that Petite Syrah with that high PH of 3.91?
That's like mine around 3.89
Did you check the TA, what is it?
I haven't adjusted that or the Syrah yet. Both have completed MLF and have been stabilized. I'll probably do some bench trials with a little Tartaric Acid added in a few months and go from there.
But what is the TA? Just wondering...,
Syrah and PS were 0.55 prior to fermentation. I added TA to get me halfway to 0.65, but haven't measured since.
Cabernet was 0.65 prior to fermentation. Did not adjust.
TA was measured by looking for the color change and not by pH, so I may have been off.