Only thing I'll add,
5a) Add Lallzyme EX or EX-V (jgm - I have some already for you)
5b) Wait 12 more hours
I've really liked the finished color in my red wines that I've used that on (Merlot/Dornfelder/PN).
@jgmann67 , no worries about pH and such, we'll do an early pH and TA measurement when you get them home. When they sit on the skins those may change a bit, but if they seem out of whack that is a good time to make a "1/2 way" adjustment towards optimum numbers. Where will be get those numbers, by posting right here! If you do get a refractometer that will be one tool I will borrow (or send samples up with my brother so you can measure).
Also on 9), I'll take a sample home with me so we can get pre-MLF Chromatography on both of our wines. I've changed my mind after reading a few things on MoreWines site, I'm leaving my MLF until after fermentation is complete or mostly complete, since it has worked fine in the past. The only thing you might want to order are some nutrients for the MLB. I think I have some Acti-ML for rehydrating, if you choose to rehydrate and not sprinkle.
Edit: Boatboy Jim, sorry for hijacking the thread. We will post questions here if jg-Jim doesn't start a thread. Start thinking of optimum pH and TA for his PS grapes, I have an idea but am by no means an expert, just a blind squirrel that finds a nut occasionally.