It is -19F at our place right now. Wind chills a lot colder. Here is a map of our local area showing actual air temps. Both Massena and Saranac Lake have -29 F currently actual air temps.
It is up to 1F with -19F wind chill. Guess we're having a heat wave compared to many of you folks.
Taking a break from the snow removal started this morning. Cold fingertips drove me inside after about 20 minutes. Will be heading out again soon and will try to see if hand warmers in my gloves helps with the cold. At 69 years of age this 700' driveway is starting to feel looong when it comes to snow removal.
I agree jeri....been planning on my garden, now im planning to stay for rain,sleet,snow on thursday..which is just crazy.
last time it snowed here was 14 years ago, before that it was in the early 1900s.
It is a balmy -1 here in central Ohio (-11 with the wind chill). I ask myself the same question I do every year, why are we still living in the North? My only reservation of living in the South is that I could not take the heat in May through September and I still enjoy the changing of the seasons (although I must say less and less as years go by).
When we moved to south Florida years ago, it took about two years to get acclimated to the heat, but don't get me wrong, over 100° is hot no matter where you
Heck, we didn't even use our pool unless the water was in the upper 80's. When we came back, I would put on a long sleeved shirt in 70°
I feel for all of you, I heard a comedian the other day make the remark that if it's 0 but -15 with the chill factor then just call it -15 degrees - "I don't want to know what it would feel like it the conditions were ideal!"
83 degrees in the lovely San Gabriel Valley today BUT we will plunge into the mid 70's over the next 7 to 10 days.
Winter is my favorite season. I don't handle heat well at all, and by "heat" I mean anything above 65 degrees. It's about 10 degrees here and I was just out filling bird feeders with no coat.
The best thing about a protracted period of cold like this is that it kills alot of insects and even some of the invasive species. A good, cold winter is a very good thing. Wish we had a winter like this EVERY year--it's what winter SHOULD be. This is the kind of winter I remember as a kid--and we went to school EVERY DAY. The only snow day we had was when the bus couldn't plow its way thru the snow!
Just as you adjust to the heat in the south, many of us get acclimated to cold when it STAYS cold. Late next week it's gonna be in the 40's!! DAMN--I'm gonna have to turn on the air conditioning!!
There's nothing I like more than having the wood burner going!! That's the other thing I hate about summer--you don't enjoy "watching" the air conditioner like you do a fire in the wood burner!!