Buying Vines for very small home vineyard

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Mar 15, 2017
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Hi Folks!
I am in Texas. Looking to turn the hill on the side of my house into some grape rows.

Been studying a little bit online about building the rows , etc.

However, I am not sure where I will get my grapevines yet.

Where is a good place to order these online? I also plan to ask a fella not to far from me that grows grapes where he is getting his or if they can be cloned.

Thank you!
Hi Folks!

Where is a good place to order these online? I also plan to ask a fella not to far from me that grows grapes where he is getting his or if they can be cloned.

Thank you!

You might ask him if you can help prune in exchange for some cuttings. Grapes propagate easily from cuttings. That way you gain some vines, education and maybe a growing buddy. OTOH you then are on own rootstock which is normal up here in WA but I don't know for Texas.
You may have a Pierce's disease in Texas depending on your location. Checking with the local vineyards is a great route to go. Be sure to let us know how you are doing.
Thanks all, the guy down the street with grapes has been willing to help. Although I still may get something from Double A.

Will ask him about Pierce's disease.
Thanks all, the guy down the street with grapes has been willing to help. Although I still may get something from Double A.

Will ask him about Pierce's disease.

Wine folks are like that. If nothing lease talk about how to grow in your neighborhood. :br