Cabernet Rib-eye Steaks!!!!

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I am sure glad I did not stop at the steak recipe
!! Finally talked our son into coming home next week from CSU.. New menu, Cabernet Ribeye Steaks and Blackberry Dumplings!
Well, we did it again - and it was awesome!!!

Our menu

Rib-eye steaks

Cross-sliced baked potatoes - you slice across the potato - (not all the way through - leave attached at bottom) about 1/8" spacing and then drizzle butter and Italian herbs over the whole potato (we melted the butter and then added the herbs to make a mixture). Cook about 45-50 minutes until tender but just before you take out of oven - melt shredded Parmesan and cheddar cheese over top!!! Wonderful.

Our local best-ever Gisler Farms white corn.

And a tomato salad. Find all the different tomatoes in your area - slice and place on cold plate and serve. We used red tomatoes, green tomatoes, yellow tomatoes; grape tomatoes and plum tomatoes. Then we sliced an avacado and added that too. Used parsley as a garnish. Very good and different since contained mostly tomatoes.

AND the finale - the Fresh Blackberry Dumplings. WoW WoW

The beverages were as follows:

Sitting around the living room drinking Skeeter Pee. I used a wine glass; salted the rim; added crushed ice; filled with Skeeter; added a slice of lime to glass and a sprig of mint. Quite good but next time I am going to try sugar instead of salt. (

Went out to winery and did some carboy and barrel tasting. Summer wines were Kiwi Melon Pinot Grigio; Peach Chardonnay and Raspberry white zin. (all orchard breezin' kits). Also, had cheese and crackers.

Back into house for dinner and had a bottle of 2008 Rosso Fortussimo and my 2008 French Oak Syrah. (gettin good Waldo!!!)

Dessert consisted of the blackberry dumplings with a taste of the chocolate raspberry port and coffee around pool.

The recipes for the steaks and dumplings are above and the link for the skeeter pee also.

AND THE BEST is when you make the reduction for the steaks - make plenty - it goes great over eggs and is superb on a hamburger. Every day it seems to get a little more intense and is gooooooooooooood!!

If you try this you will not be disappointed.


sounding great!

and speaking of goo dfiid...i was at a small italian eatery, Lucia's Tavola in Brookline NH this evening and had one of the best appetizers i have ever had in my life...Date e Pancetta....

bacon wrapped over dates stuffed w goat cheese
