Can I bottle my wine without potassium sorbate?

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Interesting discussion concerning alcohol levels. I was at a wine tasting in a wine cellar in Geisenheim Germany. We were told that they had an 8% Riesling under the flagstones that still hadn't reached its peak after 32 years. How they managed it, I don't know.🤨
Probably high acid and high sugar.
Interesting discussion concerning alcohol levels. I was at a wine tasting in a wine cellar in Geisenheim Germany. We were told that they had an 8% Riesling under the flagstones that still hadn't reached its peak after 32 years. How they managed it, I don't know.🤨
I wouldn’t believe it. Looking at ten year Riesling type from Hungary it was oxidized.
My wine is still clearing in 1 gallon jugs and has a very very thin layer of sediment on the bottom. Should I rack it and keep letting it sit or rack it into bottles? Also, since its been finished fermenting for several weeks now, can I get away with two crushed campden tablets and bottling or do I HAVE to use potassium sorbate? Id rather not use it.
IF the SG is at or below 0.996 you can leave out sorbate. If it is above 0.996 you need sorbate.
IF the SG is at or below 0.996 you can leave out sorbate. If it is above 0.996 you need sorbate.
I've had reds finish dry at 1.000, so the SG is not a perfect decision making point. In another thread there is discussion regarding SG and natural glycerin.
I've had reds finish dry at 1.000, so the SG is not a perfect decision making point. In another thread there is discussion regarding SG and natural glycerin.
glycerin is fine as a sorbate substitute but glycerin won't stop bottle fermentation. If not too intense bottle fermentation mostly on white wines can be interesting i.e. Hobo Fizz Bomb Champagne. We actually covet fizz bombs! I've had a few some of which were really good el cheapo champagnes
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