can people not read anymore???

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I still have welts on my a$$ for stuff much less harsh, I wouldnt be alive right now if Id have said that.
When we were out my father just had to look at us and we knew to cool it or else. "Or else" was not nice! He also worked for the school district and the teachers were not afraid to let him know if were screwing up. Punishment was never that bad in school, but damn did I get it at home. Even if I was right, he said the punishment was then for the times I didn't get caught. Yeah the kids are bad, THANKS to the parents who don't give a ****!
Not to say there isn't a ton of wonderful children ot there.
When we were out my father just had to look at us and we knew to cool it or else. "Or else" was not nice! He also worked for the school district and the teachers were not afraid to let him know if were screwing up. Punishment was never that bad in school, but damn did I get it at home. Even if I was right, he said the punishment was then for the times I didn't get caught. Yeah the kids are bad, THANKS to the parents who don't give a ****!
Not to say there isn't a ton of wonderful children ot there.

LOL, my kids told me that it was tough going to school at the same place that I worked. They could not do anything bad because I would know about it. I, also, knew what kids were "frequent flyers" (those children that spends a lot of time with the principal) Yes there are still a ton of wonderful children out there, it is just a shame that all the bad ones are the ones you notice.
I remember getting spanked in the third grade. Teacher took me out in the hall and gave me three whacks. I came back in the room laughing my a** off. She was so mad she took me back out and this time got another teacher across the hall to witness. This time I came back in trying to make a smirk like it hurt. This lady was like past retirement age. OH Well I still remember it but don't remember what I did wrong. One of my class mate's dad was the shop teacher at the high school and he would make a paddle for his son's teachers every year. You know those big long ones with the intimidating holes in them.
Yes man when I was in school I couldn't get away with anything either.. My Dad was in charge of maintenance, my Mom was the school board secratary, and my Aunt was the music teacher.. damm... hahah needless to say I was pretty well behaved.. Didn't do well just well behaved.. LOL
and Mom and Dad always new everything. Even my step kids can't figure it out.

One time my wife and I came home from a weekend vacation and my step daughters didn't go. As soon as we walkid in the house I said "Who was here"? No one. "Who was here"? As they looked at each other again "No One"

Then I proceeded to present the evidence. A burnt match on the front step. They spilled their bellies then. Just friends on the porch. blah blah blah.

Someone told the story of when they returned from a trip and called the kids out on a party. No Party here. She turned the ashtrays over and the masking tape labels were gone. The kids dish washer washed the ash trays to hide the evidence. HA HA

Ew what an evil web we weave when we practice to deceive.