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Jan 25, 2011
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Do you have to cover your carboys up with a shirt or blanket or is that only for beer. Sorry for the stupid question?

Do you have to cover your carboys up with a shirt or blanket or is that only for beer. Sorry for the stupid question?


You only need to cover them if they are in direct sunlight some time during the day. I use to cover mine all the time in the basement but have since covered up the windows blocking any day light.
YES! I have carboy covers made from fleese.
Reason is like Dan said BUTT, it also helps to protect the carboy for anything that may hit it.
it also helps to protect the carboy for anything that may hit it.

I do not cover mine but have had on a rare occasion dropped something that clanged on a carboy or two. It is a really sick feeling when that happens.

My room is mostly dark. Keep in mind wine in state stores is exposed to indirect sunlight. Using dark colored bottles helps somewhat too.

It's personal preference.
Even though I have mine in a dark room, I cover mine with a cardboard box that the carboy came in, with a hole cut in the top for the airlock. It's more for protection from bumping it than anything else.
What if there are florescent lights in the room? Would you recommend covering them up? I will be starting plants soon in my basement where my wine is and the lights will run all day.
We have one of the kids old bedrooms empty so we use it to store our wine in. I keep the blinds closed and the temp stays about 70 in there.
I have a towel wrapped around mine then I scoot them against the wall to hold the towel on.
They should make dark colored carboys. That would be an option but more difficult to clean.
I believe I read that florescent lights are not good for the wine. I would put a t-shirt over each one.

thanks - I figured that was the case since they function as a sun replacement for my plants. I'll wrap them in blankets or something.
If you can get paper bags from your grocery store they work. Just cut a hol for the airlock.
Black/dark green garbage bags with holes cut out for the airlock work good too.
If you can get paper bags from your grocery store they work. Just cut a hol for the airlock.

Now you're copying my trick Tom. I do it with brown paper shopping bags. A hole in the bottom for the airlock. However, I have to keep repairing them with tape since BH is now using cloth bags to be green. :b
No, U R using MY idea. I been using them for longer you been making wine. :dg
Coming to wine club mtg on the 20th?
Do those paper bags cover the entire Carboy? Thats a great idea, as I have tons of them.
Just like Tom, I like to keep my carboys covered with a fabric cover. If you've ever slid a carboy across a table and accidentally bumped into another carboy..... just that sound can send shivers up your spine. A layer of fabric provides just enough protection that a bump won't break the glass. It also protects against light. I make my own covers by recycling sweaters and sweatshirts. Fabric will also help provide temperature stability if your room goes up and down from heating or A/C cycles.
