Cellar Craft CC KR LR Grand Red

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Aug 18, 2009
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I just opened the CC KR Grand Red LR kit with grape pack. Has a nice pack of Med. French oak shavings and 30gr of medium American cubes. Thats a decent start of oak. I'll add a couple ounces of untoasted American dust in primary. What do yall think about French spirals later. I can also give it three months in an old neutral barrel or fairly new one. It came with Bourgovin RC212 yeast.

Im not sure what the blend is or what to expect. Im guessing it is either a Super Tuscan or Bordeaux type blend. Id love to hear from folks that have made this kit or have it on order.
I did last year's and it's excellent. The first wine I've actually considered entering into a comp. I just checked my notes, and I didn't write down what oak came with it. :slp Probably the same that you have though. Mine spent 8 weeks in a 6 month old barrel, then almost three weeks in a new barrel that had just fermented a Chardonnay. Mine also came with 212. I think the French oak would do very well on this one.

If I recall, it's a Cab/Merlot blend. I may have read that there is some Syrah in there too, but I'm not sure.
Wow and I thought I an was an Oak Monster. I read last night it is Cab / Merlot. Any tannin added? Nice color?

Are you drinking it yet? Did you order it again this year if not why not.

Anything you would do differently.

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Wow and I thought I an was an Oak Monster. I read last night it is Cab / Merlot. Any tannin added? Nice color?

Are you drinking it yet? Did you order it again this year if not why not.

Anything you would do differently.

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I don't think the oak is really prevalent in this one, though there are some vanilla/caramel notes. The fruit really tames it, I think. I actually did not add tannin, though I usually do after barrel time. I didn't think it needed it - hope I don't regret that later. Color is great. Inky.

It will be a year old in a couple weeks. Bottled 1st of October. I've had a couple bottles, but try to limit consumption until they are a year old. Gave one to my dad last month and he loved it.
I think this is a blend of Cabernet/Merlot/Shiraz. It always sounded like it would make a good red blend.
Last year's kit was a Cabernet/Merlot/Shiraz blend. It turned out to be the best kit I have every made. I've enjoyed a few fantastic bottles, however I still have 5 gallons in the carboy. It has full body, good tannins and rich mouth feel. I made as is without any additions, however I left out the sorbate and clearing agents. The kit came with 120g. American med. toast oak chips for fermentation and 30g. American oak cubes for secondary. I left cubes in for 3 months. After tasting, I placed order for this year's kit which is listed as Cabernet/Merlot. I do think entering wine into a contest would be a good idea.
Just got one of these from George. I'm excited about what everybody says about last year's

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I just opened the CC KR Grand Red LR kit with grape pack. Has a nice pack of Med. French oak shavings and 30gr of medium American cubes. Thats a decent start of oak. I'll add a couple ounces of untoasted American dust in primary. What do yall think about French spirals later. I can also give it three months in an old neutral barrel or fairly new one. It came with Bourgovin RC212 yeast.

Im not sure what the blend is or what to expect. Im guessing it is either a Super Tuscan or Bordeaux type blend. Id love to hear from folks that have made this kit or have it on order.

I did last years. I drank one bottle and it was a super sexy silky wine -I wax on poetically about it in another thread. We added the included oak shavings in the primary, yeast nutrient, traded the included am oak cubes for a French spiral, rotated it thru my oak barrel. The first bottle was so good we drove another bottle to Florida and drank it we were so disappointed it was ok but lost its silky mouthfeel. We are hoping it was affected by the car ride and we'll get that silkiness back..we'll see. We also added glycerin. This year I'm going to add rancor grand cru in primary and American oak spiral and of curse a turn in the barrel. Stop by San Antonio and we'll share a bottle with you.
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I'm hoping, it's only 7 mos old and I bottled just about 1 month ago. I'll give it another try in. Another month or so and let you know! Fingers crossed!
I believe (that means I don't know) that bottle shock also occurs when
it is transported because of change in barometric pressure, vibration, and etc.
Last year's kit was a Cabernet/Merlot/Shiraz blend. It turned out to be the best kit I have every made. I've enjoyed a few fantastic bottles, however I still have 5 gallons in the carboy. It has full body, good tannins and rich mouth feel. I made as is without any additions, however I left out the sorbate and clearing agents. The kit came with 120g. American med. toast oak chips for fermentation and 30g. American oak cubes for secondary. I left cubes in for 3 months. After tasting, I placed order for this year's kit which is listed as Cabernet/Merlot. I do think entering wine into a contest would be a good idea.
Thanks. They have reduced the 120 gr of American chips with 90 gr of medium French shavings. Still has the American cubes. I also added 2oz of American untoasted dust and fermintation tanins.
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That sounds great. We are in San Antonio also so if any lose bottles to try let us know lol.
I did last years. I drank one bottle and it was a super sexy silky wine -I wax on poetically about it in another thread. We added the included oak shavings in the primary, yeast nutrient, traded the included am oak cubes for a French spiral, rotated it thru my oak barrel. The first bottle was so good we drove another bottle to Florida and drank it we were so disappointed it was ok but lost its silky mouthfeel. We are hoping it was affected by the car ride and we'll get that silkiness back..we'll see. We also added glycerin. This year I'm going to add rancor grand cru in primary and American oak spiral and of curse a turn in the barrel. Stop by San Antonio and we'll share a bottle with you.

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I believe (that means I don't know) that bottle shock also occurs when
it is transported because of change in barometric pressure, vibration, and etc.

The family and I will be taking a week-long vacation in Florida over the summer and I was considering taking a case or so of wine with me. Any suggestions on how to reduce the shock during transport?
We made last years & loved it, still have 25 bottles left & it just gets better! Have 12 gals of this years in second day of fermentation now. Doing kit to instructions, but will add more oak later on in the carboy. Roy