Cellar Craft CC Showcase Old Vine Zinfandel (with Enzyme Pack)

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Now the wait begins!
I just started this one as well...

I was in primary for only 8 days! SG was at .994 on the 8th day. Moved it to secondary and added the enzyme (and air locked it). It has been in secondary for about 14 days. I am going to rack again, degas and add the clarifiers this weekend. I will let you all know if I see any white residue.

pracz said:
I just started this one as well...

I was in primary for only 8 days! SG was at .994 on the 8th day. Moved it to secondary and added the enzyme (and air locked it). It has been in secondary for about 14 days. I am going to rack again, degas and add the clarifiers this weekend. I will let you all know if I see any white residue.


Well...No white residue in mine. Gave it a taste...Yum!!! Very green but this is the first kit where I can really get a feel for the way this will taste. As Mike stated above, now the waiting begins...
I just tasted my 5 month old CC Zin kit. It was drinkable now. I was racking it again and let some sit in a glass for a few hours. It was smooth and fruit forward. I can't wait to see this wine at the two year mark. I think this kit is better then the CC Red Mount. Cab, but what do I know.
I will be bottling mine tonight! I did free SO2 test at lunch and topped off with another dose of K-Meta. My only question is the oak. I made it by the book but it might need a few extra ounces of oak chips (next time around). Will look forward to the left over glass that I always seem to have (and savor) Will post pics and tasting notes in my usual bottling thread.
Good luck with the bottling and hope the taste will be as good as mine. I have one bottle left of mine from 2 years ago. I will open soon and let you know. I just put 2 more ounces of oak in mine this last weekend.I also can't wait to see you labels.
ibglowin said:
I will be bottling mine tonight! I did free SO2 test at lunch and topped off with another dose of K-Meta. My only question is the oak. I made it by the book but it might need a few extra ounces of oak chips (next time around). Will look forward to the left over glass that I always seem to have (and savor) Will post pics and tasting notes in my usual bottling thread.


I have a suggestion for you, don't buy another kit until you first buy a 5-6 gallon oak barrel. I can not believe how much better my wine has become since I started using a barrel. I now have 2 barrels, American and Hungarian Oak.

Believe me, you will be thanking me a year from now.

Is it hard to find a 6 gal barrel? How many kits will they go through before you need another barrel? I was thinking about getting one, but needed some questions answered first.
Mharris335 said:
Is it hard to find a 6 gal barrel? How many kits will they go through before you need another barrel? I was thinking about getting one, but needed some questions answered first.
Vadai sells them. I've heard that the benefit of barrel aging is mainly the micro-oxidation that takes place, as opposed to imparting the oak flavor to the wine. So the barrels should last a very long time if you keep them full. Staves and spirals will satisfy your oaking requirements once the barrel is neutral.
I have two five gallon barrels from Vadai. Once you experience the difference a barrel makes there is no turning back.

Yea but how many times can you run a batch through a barrel before its neutral and useless (more or less)

If you can get 4 batches of of a barrel before its neutral your adding a few more dollars on top of each bottle of wine and getting closer and closer to where it doesn't make much economic sense to "make your own".

For me its a combination of pride in the fact that "I made this" plus economic justification. Cost $6 to make but taste equivalent to a $10-$15 bottle.

Barrels are much cooler to look at for sure than glass carboys!
ibglowin said:
Yea but how many times can you run a batch through a barrel before its neutral and useless (more or less)


Last year I bought an Barrel Mill 5 gallon (hold 6 gallons 32 oz) American Oak medium toast and have barrel aged over 8 wines in it. It has lost some of it's oak flavor but now I can leave my wines in the barrel for up to 3 months.

The secret of the barrel aging is the micro-oxidation that takes place over the months. I just purchased a Hungarian oak barrel from Vadai, (best price for Hungarian barrels) and will be using both barrels for a long time.

When the barrel is neutral, I will still be using it for the micro-oxidation action and use either oak spiral or cubes to add the oak flavor. Think of a neutral barrel as another carboy that can hold your wine as it bulk ages. Today, many commercial wineries use neutral oak barrels and add oak cubes to their wines,

When I started making wine nearly two years ago, I was concerned about cost and figuring out how much I was saving per bottle. I do not even worry about that anymore. Now, I want to make the BEST possible wine that I can. If I save a few dollars verse commercial wines, all the better.


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