I actually saw frost on the ground this morning- on the way to a building site not far from Lake Placid and Whiteface Mountain. The builder said it was down to 26 deg near his house. Fall is a comin'. As far as the vineyard being weed-free- Yes I do use my tractor with a five foot disc harrow between the rows(it actually covers six feet). That leaves me with a narrow two to three foot strip to hoe. I have hoed and harrowed I believe six times so far this year. If I do it when the weeds are less than three inches high, it takes me about six to eight hours for all of them. I either do a row or two a night or half each day over the weekend. I sit on my butt most of the time anymore doing thehouse planson the computer, so it gives me much needed exercise as I get older.
You ask about how many vines I have of each-
Alden- 12 vines (Table/Wine)
Canadice- 2 vines(Table-seedless)
Catawba- 27 vines(Juice/Wine/Table)
Chardonnel-40 vines(Wine)
Frontenac- 125 vines(Wine)
Glenora- 2 vines(Table-seedless)
LaCrosse-25 vines(Wine)
Leon Millot- 50 vines(Wine)
Marquis- 2 vines (Table-seedless)
Reliance- 2 vines(Table-seedless)
Pepin- 20 vines(Wine)
Total- 378
Oh yeah, I forgot about 3 Buffalo that self rooted when I tipped some ends of vines and dropped them on the ground. Shows you how wet it was most of the summer when they will root on top of the ground by themselves from tissue culture!
Time will tell how many of these varieties do well around here and how many I end up with. I'm having fun working with the vines- I miss that about full-time gardening, but my half-century plus body feels it's agesome days. If I run out of ground at my place, I'm pretty sure my brother would let me plant a few thousand on his farm if I wanted.