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The storm really just began up here. We got a half inch of rain so far. It has picked up to quite heavy a bit ago and the winds have kicked up to about 20 mph so far. Snow at Whiteface and Lake Placid. They can keep it there thank you.

Tank pictures and more on prvious Page
Are u kidding, you have vines and Fall color AND chile's!

Plus really pretty shiny sparkly new toys to boot!

I aM GreEn with EnVY!
I threw that pepper picture in since I took it driving by while getting the tractor rear mounted tines to move the skid of bottles yesterday. He has about an acre of those left in the field now and the market will soon close......................hmmmmm. Wonder if he would miss a few bushels? LOL This is all on the same family farm as my vineyard. I began the farm stand in 1974, the same year as I graduated Ag school with a degree in agronomy. I really do have a bit of ag background.
appleman said:
Richard, it certainly isn't from making out deposit slips from wine sales. You are only allowed to sell wine you made after you got the permits, so sales are still a ways off. The money stream (trickle) has been and still is all one way like the last five years. Hopefully I can reverse that stream soon!

It'll come, I'm sure.
Hey Rich

Tank looks great - variable floating head - wow - this is what you need for sure.

Looks like to you have to add on already!!!

Are you done picking? We have 2 rows (about 50 vines) to go this next week. The brix was 22-24 and then it rained and the brix dropped back into the 19-21 area. But, after a hot week back to 23-25. Going to shut water off Sat am and this will kick up the brix a little more for Wed-Thurs picking. Then the clean up and the time to put stuff away. Then one more good water for 24 hours and the grapes will go to sleep for the winter.

I will let you know my numbers later.

have a great day.

rrawhide said:
Hey Rich

Looks like to you have to add on already!!!


That's the beauty of having the old barn.... the structure is already there and all I need to do is expand more into it as needed. Next year the crush pad moves over to a new section and I will have twice the tank storage room as now. Eventually I will rebuild the part of the barn removed 15 years ago. Instead of 8 foot sidewalls I will make them 12 feet or more for larger tanks. The concrete in that area will provide the new crush pad area next year. It is complete with a loading dock type area. Some people saw an old barn, I see a winery!

Good luck with the rest of harvest then a well deserved rest!

I finished up harvest a few days ago. I ended the seasonat 10,000 pounds - at the low end of my estimated yield. That was as a result of the hail storm. It had damaged the fruit some and as they got to the right stage of ripeness, botrytis would set in along with splitting fruit. Next year - barring any disasters- should yield double or more this year's yield and the following year I should have around 30,000 pounds.
I know it is a bit late for you guys this year, but I found these items today and have two of the smaller sizes coming for trial. They are called Cellabag. They are collapsable bags for storing wine in for an intermediate storage solution. I was told they can be fitted with bungs and airlocks if needed. They go inside Macrobins or plywood boxes. They come in 200, 500 and 1000 liter. They are 40,70 and 85 dollars and are single use- but that is cheap! I will let you know how they work out. You don't even need to fill them since they inflate to their maximum size.


They also sell the Fermentabag which can be used for fermenting in and come in two sizes. I think they are $175 and 195. They are 600 and 100 liters and also fit in Macro bins. They are self venting and also provide pumpover throught the action of the gases.

Id be careful with some thing like that as mice could get to it and chew it. I had a kit in my basement for a few months and when I went to finally make it I found it had been compromised and thew it away except for the stuff that was good like the chems and the juice itself, the f-pac is what they got into. They chewed a hol no bigger then a penny in the corner that you would have never seen.
I forgot to mention that they are metalized plastic. I'm not sure the mice would like that, although they will try to chew through electrical insulation until they hit the live wires.
That sounds a little better, Id still be worried though with having that much product in them.
Here are a few pictures of my tank. I need to figure out placement before I fill it this week.


This is for Wade and anybody else wanting to put a motor on this style crusher/destemmer.
I dont think Im going to do that with mine as it doesnt have a chain but actually plastic gears that mesh and to be honest Its nice and light as it is and I can lift it myself and carry it out and onto the horses or stand when I get that. I also dont plan on making huge batches and for the little bit I do the hand crank was very easy. I do appreciate the application and thanks for doing that as I did ask you to do this before I got it and planned on doing it before actually using it and seeing how simple it is with the amount Im doing.

I love the dble pic in there, you wish!!!!! hehehe Soon enough you will have a few more my friend as soon as a couple of those gems sell. Are you setting up your aspirator with the filter and dble bottler as I do want to see that when its all set up.
I'm down to just 4 Brutes left to press! Tomorrow I will set up the accessories to the pump I got today and fill the tank from the wine pressed the last couple days as it settles out the gross lees.

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