Another day of picking in the trial again doing the second and half the third row of Frontenac. Got another 750 pounds, but the averages went down, especially for the 4 arm-kiniffen. That is because these vines are 4 years old instead of five and were converted over this year from VSP to 4AK. Some of them just didn't have good canes to begin the upper arms with, so as a result were pretty much just two bearing cordons. Next year they will do much better. Still 750 pounds from 36 vines is not too shabby!
Tomorrow is going to have to be a day in the winery as I need to run all the labwork on the samples from the grapes from today- 9 of them not counting the crushed, barrel samples. I then have 5-8 brutes ready to press and about 120 gallons to put into storage containers since they are done fermenting (whites).
Wade I will see about a picture or two tomorrow. The winery is full of Brutes since all but one of 20 is full right now, but it would hold another 30 or so and still have room. So if I pick anymore, I need to free some up first.